EXPO 2017 Astana, Kazakhstan volunteers and guests information

Hello guys my name is Muhamed-Kanapiya, and its my first post in english language. In that post i want to tell about EXPO 2017 Astana, Kazakhstan volunteers and guests information. That idea comes to me after i was visiting volunteer.expo2017astana.com. On that website i found many people from countries differ from Kazakhstan. And they want to paticipate on EXPO 2017 as volunteers. Also they filled forms on website, and dont get any answers. So that post made to help them, and for other peoples who want to visit Kazakhstan for EXPO.
If you have questions just write them under that post, in comments form.
Information about EXPO 2017
This event will be in Astana, capital city of Kazakhstan, form 10 june to 10 september. There are will be more than 100 countries, 8 international organizations, and oraganization expected more tahn 5 million visitors. But how i think there are will be not so much visitors. Mainly they will be from Kazakshatan. I think its because of low informations on the web, and many people around the world dont know about our country.
But who know, myabe i am wrong. And its a great oppotunity to know smth new for you.
Information for volunteers
As i know there are about 2000-3000 volunteers from Kazakhstan, which will serve on EXPO. Also i know that they will be meet guests in airport, exort them on event, meet them on hotels and venues, work on venues and make other stuff which i dont know yet. Also for international volunteers will be allocated quotas, which wil give them free living place during EXPO, food and other things.
EXPO will be 3 months, but international volunteers will be only one month. And who wants to visit must buy themselves tickets for transfer to Kazakhstan, and visa for some countries.
Oh i forget to tell that main Topic of EXPO will be future energy. I invite people from around the world to visit my country in this summer. You will find new friends, maybe mee too, new feelings, and open for yourself a great country Kazakhstan!
In the end i want to tell that all post in engilsh will be tagged with English tag.
Good day, Muhamed-Kanapiya!
I read your post and wanted add comment. I specially don’t translate text in any online translator. I am writing in your comment form. I studied English in school (there was a several subjects in English). I hope, that I don’t forget English. More than, I want start write the texts in English.
The EXPO 2017, that dedicate future energy, is a very interesting and grate idea! I hope to read in your blog about the results of that event!
Oh thank you for your post Muhamed, i am also visited that website for volunteers, and dont get any answers many months. But after your action there are some possitive things happen in that way. I just want to tell you thanks, and see you soon in the summer on EXPO!
Thank you for your comment, its cool that my post hepls to someone.